Terms and Conditions

ManualsKarts.com Terms & Conditions


By using ManualsKarts.com, you agree to these terms:

  • Content: Manuals and website content are owned by ManualsKarts. Don't copy or sell them.
  • Use the Site Right: Don't break the law, spread viruses, or harass others.
  • No Guarantees: ManualsKarts tries, but the site and manuals might not be perfect.
  • Limited Liability: ManualsKarts isn't responsible for any damages from using the site or manuals.
  • Termination: ManualsKarts can stop you from using the site if needed.
  • We Can Change These Terms: We may update these terms, keep using the site means you agree.
  • Contact Us: Questions? Email manualskarts@gmail.com

Enjoy ManualsKarts!